Creating The WORM!!!!!!
I sketched out my killer worm in class.
I started to model the basic shape of the worm using a cylinder and by inserting extra edge loops.
I deleted the faces off the front of the worm, grabbed edges inside, extruded them, and then extruded individual edges to make teeth.
I then took individual faces of the worm's mesh, extruded them outward, re-sized the extrudes to a point to make it's spikes, and then added two spheres on either side of its head for eyes.
Next, I pressed the number 3 on the keyboard to smooth the polygon mesh. I also added a shiny phong texture and made the worm's body a light black color.
Okay, here's where I ran into a couple problems. I wanted the inside of my worm to be a darkish red color. When I selected a face on the worm's mesh it selected the face on both sides. This meant, unfortunately that I could only turn the worm one color. There had to be a way to fix this.
I had an idea. Why not copy the worm's body mesh, shrink it slightly, and then color it red. My first few attempts failed (but looked kinda cool).
I finally fit a smaller copy of the worm's exoskeleton into the worm and preceded to color it red (I used a phong texture again). I had to grab a couple protruding thorns and push them back into black exoskeleton so that the outside wouldn't look weird.
Here is the new darkish red inside!
Giving my worm a copy inside also gave it extra teeth; this is okay, however, because that just makes it look more awesome! There was another challenge that beset me of course. The outside mesh and parts of the inside mesh had their shiny armour-looking texture, but for some reason the inside rows of teeth looked flat and 2D.
In order to fix this problem I messed around with the inside mesh. I grabbed some of the faces that were connected to the teeth, and using the move tool, simply pushed the teeth back. For some reason this helped the teeth and gums to get the shiny phong texture that I wanted.
Final Worm:
After texturing the eyes a with a black phong texture, the worm was finished!
This wasn't a class project. I actually had some free time this weekend (which isn't usual) and so I decided to have some fun and make any model I wanted. I did, however, watch a hour long course and learned a little more about the hypershade and texturing. (This project took about 5 and a half hours).
See you all later!
Yay! It's up and ready to shoot fireballs, eat foxes, and do all kinds of crazy stuff!
ReplyDeleteAnd it looks very good =D
Thank you my good man! =D